Harry Potter Facts (english)

1. The first and last house named in the series was Slytherin.

2. J.K.R. has stated that no death rather besides Snape could produce a Patronus, or at least never try. Snape's Patronus takes the form of a doe, the same as Lily Potter.

3. After Fred's death, George Weasley will never be able to produce a Patronus, because all his happy memories involved his twin.

4. These are some of the original names of the characters before Rowling changed them: Hermione Puckle, Neville Puff, Draco Spinks, Lily Moon (Luna Lovegood), Madhari Patil and Mati Patil.

5. Did you know that Voldemort is said without the 't'? J.K.R. has revealed a month ago that Voldemort is actually pronounced with a silent 't' at the end of it.

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